Specimen Newsletter Sept 2019

All I hope you are enjoying fishing so far this year.  

A few things have arisen recently that need to be addressed so please read and take note of the points below.

1. Gate.  

The gate post on the hinge side of the gate is starting to rot. No imminent risk of it failing but please ensure the gate is always closed once you have passed through as it helps support it.  Also anyone found climbing over the gate or the fence for that matter will be excluded from the syndicate/water with immediate affect.

2. Rules

These are there to protect the fish and wider fishery.  

Dip and rinse of nets/slings/mats.  This needs to be done every time no excuses.  It only takes a single visit to an infected water and use of contaminated equipment to ruin a fishery and wipe out years of developing  fishstocks.  I'm not going to tolerate any one person ruining the fishery for everyone else and the years of work to get it to this point.  A trail camera is now in use, so smile and wave as you dip your gear.

Proximity to rods whilst fishing - with bankside vegetation growing up and more snags/safe zones being established it isn't acceptable to be away from your rods while lines are out - no matter what range your receiver has.  The current rule 13 has been clarified to ' You must not be more than one swim away from your rods whilst they are being fished.'  So no congregating in the lazy boy when you are fishing either at the causeway or dam end.

3. Litter

Not a huge issue but recent trips around the water has found balls of line, full hook links and an abundance of cigarette butts.  Please check your swim before you depart and take everything home.

4. Bookings

We are getting too many people booking on then not showing up or leaving early - which ultimately has an impact on availability of other peoples access to the water.  I appreciate that last minute things occur which impact plans, but please lets see if we can be as cooperative as possible and avoid introducing the need for more tighter controls on bookings.

5. Syndicate

Its been fed back to me that rumour is we will be going 'syndicate only' next season.  This is unlikely for two reasons. Firstly the annual subs would need to be circa £400 per member which I suspect for a water of this type and with the head of fish we have wouldn't be of interest to most.  Secondly we need to support the development of the sport by encouraging like minded anglers and potential new syndicate members. 

6. Work Party

To allow people to plan, here are the dates for the winter work parties.

November 24th Sunday

February 16th Sunday

March 1st Sunday

Hopefully the water will continue to see angling pressure and bait going in during the Autumn and we'll see some top weights and great condition fish in the coming weeks.

Any questions re above please drop us a text.
